
Showing posts from November, 2017

Meole Brace School Young Enterprise - Update

An Update on our Young Enterprise Well things have been going along at a fair pace since my last post; we have a total of 44 students taking part in the Company Programme . They have split themselves into two teams and have held their initial meetings to sort out roles and initial funding ideas. Team A have voted for Luke Thomas to be their Managing Director and Team B have voted for Ben Summerfield-Davis . Both students have their work cut out to mold their teams into effective businesses. Team A in particular are forging ahead with funding projects designed to raise the initial capital to get their budding business off the ground. There will be a meeting for all students involved in this years YE to be held in either the hall or the library, I will confirm the location as soon as I know. At the meeting the students will meet with David Graham, area YE organiser; he will be accompanied by the business advisor(s) who will be working to help the students get the most...

Young Enterprise @ Meole Brace

Meole Brace Chooses Young Enterprise Company Program Following  meetings with David Graham from the charity, Young Enterprise, Meole Brace School Business Studies department have decided to go with the 'Company Programme'.  After speaking with the Year 10 Business Studies cohort a total of 44 students have chosen to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity. They will be responsible for the creation and running of two independent companies which will produce and sell products or services to the public over the next few months. As a teacher this is extremely exciting and will be fascinating to watch these young people grow and develop as they go through this process. YOUNG ENTERPRISE VISION AND MISSION We want to ensure that young people are given the best chance for a rewarding future in work and in life – no matter where they start. Our mission is to empower young people to discover, develop and celebrate their skills and potential. We work directly with...

Meole Brace embraces Young Enterprise

Meole Brace School Young Enterprise Scheme I had a first meeting with YE to discuss current Year 10 Meole Brace Business Studies students taking part in the Company Programme. The Company Programme enables participants to experience what it’s like to set up and run a student company. Programme Overview: Running throughout one academic year, students make all the decisions about their enterprise, from deciding on the name and product to creating a business plan, managing the student company finances and selling to the public at trade fairs. Students are covered by Young Enterprise Public Liability Insurance. Up to 25 students per company. All this takes place with the support of a volunteer Business Adviser who brings a wealth of business knowledge and expertise. A range of resources are provided to help manage the company. Teams track their progress using self assessment tools and even compete against other schools in local, regional and national competitions. The grap...

Business Studies One Drive Update

Business Studies One Drive Update The OneDrive account is fully operational and is being used by a lot of students. If you have not taken advantage of this resource I would strongly advise you to do so. Login details are available from me. As you can see there a specific folders for BTEC and GCSE plus a folder where you can create your own student folder for porting work between home and school. If you have any questions please ask. Mr. C

Business Finance Re-Sits part 2

Business Finance Re-Sits part 2 Just a quick update. All those people re-sitting the Finance exam should have now received letters for parents. The exam is on Monday 11th December starting at 14:10 , students need to be in school at about 13:15 . Revision sessions will be running from next Monday 6th November after school in B2. All those attending will get a revision pack together with any help they require. That is all for now Mr. C