Young Enterprise @ Meole Brace

Meole Brace Chooses Young Enterprise Company Program

Following  meetings with David Graham from the charity, Young Enterprise, Meole Brace School Business Studies department have decided to go with the 'Company Programme'. 

After speaking with the Year 10 Business Studies cohort a total of 44 students have chosen to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity. They will be responsible for the creation and running of two independent companies which will produce and sell products or services to the public over the next few months.

As a teacher this is extremely exciting and will be fascinating to watch these young people grow and develop as they go through this process.


We want to ensure that young people are given the best chance for a rewarding future in work and in life – no matter where they start.

Our mission is to empower young people to discover, develop and celebrate their skills and potential. We work directly with young people, their teachers and parents, businesses and influencers to build a successful and sustainable future for all.
Through our hands-on employability and financial education programmes, resources and teacher training, we want to eradicate youth unemployment. help young people realise their potential beyond education and empower a generation to learn, to work and to live.



More than 1 million young people have run a student company for a year with Young Enterprise.

Students learn the fundamentals of enterprise – understanding customers, selling and marketing products, making difficult decisions, working as a team, taking and sharing responsibility. Most importantly they will learn by doing. Enjoying real successes and overcoming real setbacks will make for a truly valuable experience.

As well as supporting the delivery of various elements of the National Curriculum, the programme powerfully develops key skills that enhance young people’s employability skills and enterprise capabilities.


Company Programme supports schools and colleges in the following ways:
  • To meet their statutory duties to deliver, independent career guidance and provide evidence against the Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Contributing to a stable careers programme. It provides inspiration and raises aspirations through encounters with employers and employees
  • Prepares young people for the world of work by developing vital career, employability and life skills including: communication, confidence, financial capability, organisation, initiative, problem solving, resilience and teamwork
  • Improves attainment and progression by contributing positively to destination measures
  • Provides an opportunity to explore a range of career opportunities and / or by expanding the student and school / college’s network
  • Creates opportunities for meaningful experiences of the workplace
  • Provides a real life context to support business studies and applied business awards
  • Contributes to post 16 study programmes
  • Utilises Young Enterprise’s large established network of volunteers from a range of industries
  • Meets evidencing requirements for the Skills section of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards
(Taken from the Young Enterprise website)


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