Young Enterprise Celebration Dinner (Update)

 Young Enterprise Celebration Dinner 

What a fantastic evening! As you can see by the pictures the kids looked amazing.

The Park Inn at Telford who hosted the event was packed with students, advisors and business people from across Shropshire.

Following a mini-trade fair the kids were applauded into the main hall where we were treated to a lovely meal.

The Main Event - the Awards Ceremony

As you can see from the image below all 31 teams were in attendance for the awarding of a wide variety of awards.

 Nervous & Frustrating Wait

 As the nominations progressed the kids got very frustrated as they were nominated in the top 3 no less than 4 times for the 'Safer Communities Award'; 'Best Customer Interaction'; the 'Innovation Award' and the 'Entreprenurship Award', before they finally picked up the award for 'Most Passionate about Business'.

Above they are on-stage receiving their award from a representative of Muller.

They had only just got over that before their name came up on the screen pnce again as a nominee for the 'Best Dragon's Den Performance'.

What a fantastic end to the Young Enterprise journey (well not quite as a trip to Maccies was in order!

Next Steps

Most of the kids are keen to act as mentors for next year's team. With the experience they have garnered during this whole process they are sure to be a great asset.

Bring on 2019!

Mr Chapman
Head of Business


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