Business Studies One Drive Account

Business Studies One Drive Account

This is a very quick update to the One Drive post I made a while back. 

You all now have access to a GCSE and BTEC Business Studies One Drive account which you access by going to One Drive in your browser and logging in using the following details:

Username =

Password = ********

Obviously I will give the password out in class as opposed to giving everyone on the planet access to this resource. If you don't get it please come and see, or email me.


Inside the One Drive there are several folders. At the top level there are three folders, one for each of the GCSE and BTEC courses plus one named Student Work. 

The GCSE and BTEC folders contain all of the documents you will need to complete each course. 

The student folder is where you upload work that I need to see and assess. 

Mr C


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