Students Meet Young Enterprise Advisors

Students Meet Young Enterprise Advisors

Last Wednesday saw the first meeting between the students and the Young Enterprise representatives and advisors. Both student companies were well represented with few exceptions.

After being introduced David Graham, YE coordinator for the West Midlands took the students through the whole process that they will be involved with for the next few months. He was followed by Peter Walton  (YE), who is going to be the students business advisor throughout the process. He talked about his business experience and how he could help the students through the process.

Last but not least the students met Emma Lockwood a local business woman with vast experience in Sales & Marketing and Directing Operations for large corporate businesses.

Following the introductions students were invited to ask questions and meet their advisors, which they did with a lot of enthusiasm.

Overall the meeting was a great success and the students went away with renewed purpose.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 14th December at 1520.

Mr. C


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