Young Enterprise 2018/19

and we are off and running....

We have had a lot of interest in the Young Enterprise scheme from the students and as a result have 2 teams of 7 competing in this year's competition.

A quick recap on what's involved

The Company Programme enables participants to experience what it’s like to set up and run a student company.

Programme Overview:

Running throughout one academic year, students make all the decisions about their enterprise, from deciding on the name and product to creating a business plan, managing the student company finances and selling to the public at trade fairs. Students are covered by Young Enterprise Public Liability Insurance.
All this takes place with the support of a volunteer Business Adviser who brings a wealth of business knowledge and expertise. A range of resources are provided to help manage the company. Teams track their progress using self-assessment tools and even compete against other schools in local, regional and national competitions.
The graphic below outlines the process the group will go through on this journey.


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